sábado, noviembre 19, 2022

origins of the blessed language (lashon ha kodesh)

read with ruakh

in the Hebrew language (ivriya) there are no capital letters there are no exclamatory signs there are no accents or punctuations when you want to emphasize the phrases important situations are repeated twice the phrases can also be repeated more times

isaiah yhwh is our salvation (yeshayah) chapter portion (parashah) six verse (pasuk) three

hebrew scriptures (kitvei ha kadosh ivrim)

and one cried out to the other and said sacred sacred sacred (kadosh kadosh kadosh) it is yhwh of the armies in all the earth she is full of her glory (yhwh Tzva'os mello kol ha aretz kavod)


in the earliest age of human being (adam) that time before antiquity when history began everyone in the world could understand one another 

in the earliest age of human being (adam) when history began everyone in the world could understand one another and the oral tradition(torah) was passing generetion to generation because always every individual have been receibed direct instruccion from the elohim yhwh writed in our heart and mind just one is

genesis in the begining (bereshis) the scripture say 

Bereshis 11:1

And the all earth  (kol HaAretz) was of one language and of common words (devarim achadim) 

this means that from distant lands were able to communicate with those they encountered and and everybody were able to understand the words being spoken.  However, this fantastic advantage was only allowed for a certain period of time and the next verses in the eleven chapter explain why now we speak different languages

this is the case that help to understand 

moses migth  be might  not be the single author of the five books but he is decidedly the authority from which the five book emanated and the oral tradition call them the law (torah) 

the meaning of the books the  theology the history arqueology antropology portray adequately reflect what moses did say pray or sing but it not enaught to say that authorship of the oral tradition or some of the written recordsare from him and other people in that period

so the most important matter is the sacred language that is talking about the will of yhwh and now like we have to many different language  is expected that revisions and updating occurr and we can see this throughout its history right up until completion of the final version when everythings will be fullfill

after the world wide flood during the era of noah the human being (adam) was told to populate the entire world again  human being (adam) did not continue to focus on the message from elohim yhwh however 

and instead they chose to build a tower that they believed would reach the heavens  biblical commentators argue about whether this included creating one uniform language to defy elohim yhwh and erase distinctions between cultures and tribes

elohim yhwh was displeased with their actions which aimed to erase elohim yhwh first place and elevate the human being (adam) then  chose to confuse the languages so that people working side by side to create the tower of babel (bavel) note that babble in english means incomprehensible utterances would no longer be able to understand each other

today aproximate there are between six and seven thousand different languages and dialects spoken in the world  some may actually be different dialects of other passed languages not used

and over two thousand languages have less than a thousand people who speak the language  taking these things into consideration there is amazing large number of languages being spoken in the world today

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