miércoles, septiembre 20, 2017

yom teruah alef

yom teruah en el ocaso del dia 20 de septiembre del calendario romano empieza el primer dia de  khodesh zaim  mes siete

como muchos temas en distintas parashot porciones capitulos de la torah de yhwh bendito hashem es el nombre de acuerdo al interes de cada grupo sean estos sociales religiosos en favor y criticos las fiestas de yhwh se han relegado por las fiestas que el humanismo cristiano y el judaismo perushim  han instituido

los cumpleaños las navidades hanukka la fiesta del conejo las fiestas nacionales entre muchas no pueden sustituir las siete unicas moadim festividades instituidas por nuestro amado elohim yhwh

pesakh passover pascua la liberación de yisrael de la esclavitud de egipto inmolación del cordero

khag ha matzot panes sin levadura recuerda la salida exodo desde mitrayim egipto

bikurim primeros frutos travesía del mar rojo


shavuot pentecostes entrega de la torah en el sinai

yom teruah sonar del shofar  alegria hebrea porque yhwh regresa

yom kipur dia de la expiacion limpieza de los propios errores teshubah arrepentimiento

sukkot tabernaculos enramadas  del dia 15 al 22 se agitan ramas el dia alef shabat es la entrada en la tierra prometida gran regocijo alegria porque si somos obedientes estaremos en el reino de yhwh nuestro elohim

sin lugar para dudas todo lo que se celebre aparte zain moadim de las siete  fiestas es un error que la humanidad arrastra y pagara

por ello es que estan importante reconocer el nombre de yhwh la unicidad de elohim que es dabar yhwh yahshua con su ruach hakodesh ekhad uno solo es y seguir su voz de mando mediante torah su palabra

muchos en el mundo enseñan que no es necesario conocer el idioma hebreo para adorar al verdadero elohim y estan en lo cierto si se estan refiriendo al conocimiento literal

cuando se reconoce que el idioma hebreo es el idioma que habla nuestro amado yhwh mediante su ruak hakodesh directo al corazon y la mente humana porque es parte de nosotros sabemos que el ivrim hebreo es torah

23 levitico y llamo

y hablo yhwh   moises diciendo

habla para los hijos de yisrael y diles las fiestas solemnes de yhwh las cuales proclamareis como santas convocaciones seran estas

seis dias se trabajara mas el septimo dia sera de reposo santa convocacion ningun trabajo de servidumbre haras dia de reposo es de yhwh en dondequiera que habites

estas son las fiestas solemnes de yhwh las convocaciones santas las cuales convocaras en sus tiempos

en el mes primero para los catorce del mes entre las dos tardes pascua es de yhwh

y en  los quince dias de este mes es la fiesta solemne de los panes sin levadura para yhwh tu elohim  siete dias comeras panes sin levadura

el primer dia tendras santa convocacion ningun trabajo de servidumbre haras

y ofreceras para yhwh siete dias ofrenda encendida el septimo dia sera santa convocacion ningun trabajo de servidumbre haras

y hablo yhwh para moises diciendo

habla para los hijos de yisrael y diles cuando hayan entrado en la tierra que yo os doy y sieguen su mies traeran al sacerdote una gavilla por primicia de los primeros frutos de vuestra siega

y el sacerdote mecera la gavilla delante de yhwh para que sean aceptos el dia siguiente del dia de reposo la mecera

y el dia que ofrezcas la gavilla ofreceras un cordero de un año sin defecto en holocausto para yhwh

su ofrenda sera dos decimas de efa de flor de harina amasada con aceite ofrenda encendida para yhwh en olor gratisimo y su libacion sera de vino la cuarta parte de un hin

no comeras pan ni grano tostado ni espiga fresca hasta este mismo dia hasta que hayas ofrecido la ofrenda de vuestro elohim estatuto perpetuo es por vuestras edades en dondequiera que habites

y contaras desde el dia que sigue al dia de reposo desde el dia en que ofrecistes la gavilla de la ofrenda mecida siete semanas cumplidas seran

hasta el dia siguiente del septimo dia de reposo contaras cincuenta dias entonces ofreceras el nuevo grano para yhwh

de tus habitaciones traeras dos panes para ofrenda mecida que seran de dos decimas de efa de flor de harina cocidos con levadura como primicias para yhwh

y ofreceras con el pan siete corderos de un año sin defecto un becerro de la vacada y dos carneros seran holocausto para yhwh con su ofrenda y sus libaciones ofrenda encendida de olor grato para yhwh

ofreceras ademas un macho cabrio por expiacion y dos corderos de un año en sacrificio de ofrenda de paz

y el sacerdote los presentara como ofrenda mecida delante de yhwh con el pan de las primicias

y los dos corderos seran cosa sagrada para yhwh para el sacerdote

y convocaras en este mismo dia santa convocacion ningun trabajo de servidumbre haras estatuto perpetuo en dondequiera que habites por vuestras generaciones

cuando siegues la mies de tu tierra no segaras hasta el ultimo rincon de ella ni espigaras tu siega para el pobre y para el extranjero la dejaras yo yhwh tu elohim

y hablo yhwh moises diciendo

habla para los hijos de yisrael y diles en el mes septimo al yom dia primero del mes tendras santo reposo una conmemoracion al son de trompetas y una santa convocacion

ningun trabajo de servidumbre haras y ofreceras ofrenda encendida para yhwh

también hablo yhwh para moises diciendo

en los diez dias de este mes septimo sera el dia de expiacion tendran santa convocacion y afligiran vuestras almas y ofreceran ofrenda encendida para yhwh

ningun trabajo haras en este dia porque es dia de expiacion para reconciliaros delante de yhwh vuestro elohim

porque toda persona que no se afligiere en este mismo dia sera cortada de su pueblo

y cualquiera persona que hiciere trabajo alguno en este dia yo destruire la tal persona de entre su pueblo

ningún trabajo haras estatuto perpetuo es por tus generaciones en dondequiera que habites

dia de reposo sera para ustedes y afligiran sus almas comenzando en los nueve dias del mes en la tarde de tarde para tarde guardaras tu reposo

y hablo yhwh para moises diciendo

habla para los hijos de yisrael y diles en los quince dias de este mes septimo sera la fiesta solemne de los tabernaculos para yhwh por siete días

el primer dia habra santa convocacion ningun trabajo de servidumbre haran

siete dias ofreceran ofrenda encendida para yhwh el octavo dia tendran santa convocación y ofreceran ofrenda encendida para yhwh es fiesta ningun trabajo de servidumbre haran

estas son las fiestas solemnes de yhwh  las que convocaran santas reuniones para ofrecer ofrenda encendida para yhwh holocausto y ofrenda sacrificio y libaciones cada cosa en su tiempo

ademas de los días de reposo de yhwh de vuestros dones de todos vuestros votos y de todas vuestras ofrendas voluntarias que acostumbran dar para yhwh

pero a los quince días del mes septimo cuando hayan recogido el fruto de la tierra hareis fiesta para yhwh por siete dias el primer dia sera de reposo y el octavo dia sera tambien dia de reposo

y tomaréis el primer dia ramas con fruto de arbol hermoso ramas de palmeras ramas de arboles frondosos y sauces de los arroyos y se regocijaran delante de yhwh vuestro elohim por siete dias

y haran fiesta p ara yhwh por siete dias cada año sera estatuto perpetuo por vuestras generaciones en el mes septimo la haran

en ramadas habitaran siete dias todo natural de yisrael habitara en ramadas

para que sepan tus descendientes que en ramadas y tiendas hice yo habitar a los hijos de Israel cuando los saque de la tierra de egipto yo yhwh tu  elohim

asi habló moises para los hijos de yisrael sobre las fiestas solemnes de yhwh

leviticus 23

and yhwh said to moses

speak to the israelites and say to them these are my appointed festivals the appointed festivals of yhwh which you must proclaim as sacred assemblies

there are six days when you may work but the seven day is day of sabbath rest  day of sacred assembly you are not  doing any work wherever you live it is sabbath for yhwh

these are the yhwh appointed festivals the sacred assemblies you must proclaim at their appointed times

yhwh passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month

on the fifteenth day of that month yhwh festival of unleavened bread begins for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast

on the first day hold  sacred assembly and do no regular work

for seven days present  food offering for yhwh and on the seventh day hold sacred assembly and do not do regular work

and yhwh said to moses

speak to the Israelites and say to them when you enter the land i am going to give you and you reap its harvest bring for the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest

he is to wave the sheaf before yhwh so it will be accepted on your behalf the priest must wave it on the day after the sabbath

on the day you wave the sheaf you must sacrifice as a burnt offering to yhwh a lamb a year old without defect

together with its grain offering of two tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with olive oil a food offering presented to yhwh a pleasing aroma and its drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine

you must not eat any bread not roasted  not new grain until the very day you bring this offering to your elohim this is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations coming wherever you inhabit

from the day after the sabbath the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering count off seven full weeks

count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh sabbath and then present an offering of new grain to yhwh

from wherever you inhabit bring two loaves made of two tenths of an ephah of the finest flour baked with yeast as a wave offering of firstfruits to the yhwh

present with this bread seven male lambs each a year old and without defect one young bull and two rams they will be a burnt offering to the LORD together with their grain offerings and drink offerings a food offering an aroma pleasing to yhwh

then sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering and two lambs each a year old for a fellowship offering

the priest is to wave the two lambs before yhwh as a wave offering together with the bread of the firstfruits They are a sacred offering to yhwh for the priest

on that same day you must proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work this must be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come wherever you inhabit

when you reap the harvest of your land do not reap to the very edges of your field do not gather the gleanings of your harvest leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you i am yhwh your elohim

yhwh said to moses

say to the yisraelites on the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts

do not do regular work but present a food offering to yhwh

yhwh said to moses

the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement. hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves and present a food offering to yhwh

do not do any work on that day because it is the day of atonement when atonement is made for you before yhwh your elohim

those who do not deny themselves on that day must be cut off from their people

i will destroy from among their people anyone who does any work on that day

you shall do not work at all this is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come wherever you inhabit

it is a day of sabbath rest for you and you must deny yourselves from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath

yhwh said to moses

say to the yisraelites on the fifteenth day of the seventh month yhwh festival of booths begins and it lasts for seven days

the first day is a sacred assembly do not do regular work

for seven days present food offerings to yhwh and on the eighth day hold a sacred assembly and present a food offering to yhwh It is the closing special assembly do no regular work

these are yhwh appointed festivals which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies for bringing food offerings to yhwh the burnt offerings and grain offerings sacrifices and drink offerings required for each day

these offerings are in addition to those for yhwh sabbaths and in addition to your gifts and whatever you have vowed and all the freewill offerings you give to yhwh

so beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month after you have gathered the crops of the land celebrate the festival to yhwh for seven days the first day is a day of sabbath rest and the eighth day also is a day of sabbath rest

on the first day you are to take branches from luxuriant trees from palms willows and other leafy trees and rejoice before yhwh your elohim for seven days

celebrate this as a festival for yhwh for seven days each year this is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come celebrate it in the seventh month

live in temporary shelters for seven days all native born yisraelites are to live in such shelters

so your descendants will know that i had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when i brought them out of egypt I am yhwh your elohim

so moses announced to the yisraelites the appointed festivals of yhwh

leviticus 23 vayikra gimel kaf

and yhwh spoke unto mosheh saying

dabar speak unto the bnei yisroel and amar say unto them concerning the festivals moadim of yhwh which ye shall proclaim to be mikraei kodesh holy convocation even these are moadim my festivals

waw yamim shall work be done but the yom zain is the shabbat cease shabbaton of sabbatical  mikraei kodesh of sacred assembbly ye shall do no work therein it is the shabbat to yhwh bejol moshvoteyjem in all your dwellings

these are the moadim of yhwh even mikraei kodesh which ye shall proclaim in their moadim

in the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is yhwh pesakh

and on the fifteenth day of the same month is the chag hamatzot unto yhwh shivat yamim ye must eat matzot

in the yom harishon ye shall have  mikra kodesh ye shall do no melekhet avodah therein

but ye shall offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh shivat yamim in the seventh day is mikra kodesh ye shall do no melekhet avodah therein

and yhwh spoke unto mosheh saying

speak unto the bnei yisroel and say unto them when ye be come into ha aretz which i am giving unto you and shall reap the harvest thereof then ye shall bring an omer sheaf of barley of the reshit of your harvest unto the kohen

and he shall wave the omer before yhwh to be accepted for you on the day after the shabbos the kohen shall wave it

and ye shall offer that day when ye wave the omer a keves tamim of the first year for an olah unto yhwh

and the minkhah thereof shall be two tenthe ephah of fine flour mingled with shemen an offering made by eish unto yhwh for a re akh nicho akh; and the nesekh thereof shall be of yayin, the fourth part of a hin.

and ye shall eat neither lekhem nor roasted grain nor plump kernels until the same day that ye have brought a korban unto Eloheikhem it shall be a chukkat olam throughout your dorot in all your dwellings

and ye shall count unto you from the day after the shabbos from the day that ye brought the omer of the wave offering shevah shabbatot shall be complete

even unto the day after the seventh shabbos shall ye count fifty days and ye shall offer a minkhah khadashah unto yhwh

ye shall bring out of your dwellings two lekhem wave offerings of two tenth ephah they shall be of fine flour they shall be baked with khametz they are the bikkurim unto yhwh

and ye shall offer with the lekhem shivat kevasim temimim of the first year and one young bull and two rams they shall be for an olah unto yhwh with their minkhot and their nesakim even an offering made by eish of re ach nicho akh unto yhwh

then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a khattat and two kevasim of the first year for a zevakh of shelamim

and the kohen shall wave them with the lekhem of the bikkurim for a wave offering before yhwh with the two kevasim they shall be kodesh for yhwh for the kohen

and ye shall proclaim on the same day that it may be a mikra kodesh unto you ye shall do no melekhet avodah therein it shall be a khukkat olam in all your dwellings throughout your dorot

and when ye reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not reap to the edges of thy sadeh when thou reapest neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest thou shalt leave them unto the oni poor and to the ger i am yhwh Eloheichem

and yhwh spoke unto mosheh saying

speak unto the bnei yisroel saying in the seventh month in the first day of the month shall ye have a shabbaton a zikhron teruah mikra kodesh

ye shall do no melekhet avodah therein but ye shall offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh

and yhwh spoke unto mosheh saying

also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be yom kippurim it shall be a mikra kodesh unto you and ye shall afflict your nefashot and offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh

and ye shall do no work in that same day for it is yom kippurim to make kapporah for you before yhwh eloheichem

for whatsoever nefesh it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day he shall be cut off from among his people

and whatsoever nefesh it be that doeth any work in that same day that nefesh will i destroy from among his people

ye shall do no manner of work it shall be a chukkat olam throughout your dorot in all your dwellings

it shall be unto you a shabbos shabbaton and ye shall afflict your nefashot in the ninth day of the month at erev from erev unto erev shall ye observe your shabbos

and yhwh spoke unto mosheh saying

speak unto the bnei yisroel saying the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the khag ha sukkot for shivat yamim unto yhwh

on the yom ha rishon shall be a mikra kodesh ye shall do no melekhet avodah laborious work therein

shivat yamim ye shall offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh on the eighth day shall be a mikra kodesh unto you and ye shall offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh it is an atzeret assembly and ye shall do no melekhet avodah therein

these are the moadim of yhwh which ye shall proclaim to be mikraei kodesh to offer an offering made by eish unto yhwh an olah burnt offering and a minkhah a zevakh and nesakim every required thing upon its day

beside the shabbatot of yhwh and beside your mattenot and beside all your nederim and beside all your nedavot freewill offerings which ye give unto yhwh

also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month when ye have gathered in the crop of ha aretz ye shall keep a khag feast unto yhwh shivat yamim on the first day shall be a shabbaton and on the eighth day shall be a shabbaton

and ye shall take you on the yom ha rishon the fruit of the citron tree branches of temarim date palms and twigs of plaited trees and willows of the brook and ye shall rejoice before yhwh eloheikhem shivat yamim

and ye shall keep it a khag feast unto yhwh shivat yamim in the shanah it shall be a khukkat olam in your dorot ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month

ye shall dwell in sukkot shivat yamim all that are the ezrakh yisroel shall dwell in sukkot

that your dorot may know that i made the bnei yisroel to dwell in sukkkot when i brought them out of eretz mitzrayim i am yhwh eloheikhem

and mosheh declared unto the bnei yisroel the moadim of yhwh

vayikra gimel kaf

va yedaber Adonay el mosheh lemor

daber el beney yisrael ve amarta alehem moadim adonay yhwh asher tikre u otam mikraei kodesh eleh hem moadim

waw yamim te aseh melakah uvayom hashvi i shabat shabaton mikraei kodesh kol melakah lo ta asu shabat hi lamedh adonay yhwh bejol moshvoteykhem

eleh moadim yhwh adonay mikraei kodesh asher tikreu otam bemo adam

bakhodesh harishon be daletlud asar lak khodesh beyn pesakh lamedh yhwh

uvakhamishah asar yom lakhodesh hazeh khag hamatsot lamedh yhwh shivat yamim matsot tokhelu

bayom harishon mikra kodesh yihyeh lakhem kol melekhet avodah lo ta asu

ve hikravtem isheh lamedh yhwh shivat yamim bayom hashvii mikra kodesh kolmelekhet avodah lo taasu

va yedaber yhwh el mosheh lemor

Daber el beney yisrael ve amarta alehem ki tavou el ha arets asher ani noten lakhem uktsartem et ketsirah va ha vetem et omer reshit ketsirkhem el ha kohen

Ve henif et ha omer lifney adonay yhwh lirtsonkhem mimokhorat ha shabat yenifenu ha kohen

Va asitem beyom hanifjem et ha omer keves tamim ben shnato le olah lamedh yhwh

Uminkhato sheney esronim solet blulah vashemen isheh lamedh yhwh re akh nikhoakh veniskoh yayin reviit hahin

Ve lekhem vekali vekharmel lo tokhlu ad etsem hayom hazeh ad havi akhem et korban eloheykhem khukat olam ledoroteykhem bekhol moshvoteykhem

Usfartem lakhem mimokhorat ha shabat miyom havi akhem et omer hatnufah sheva shabatot tmimot tihyeynah.

Ad mimokhorat haShabat hashvi it tisperu khamishim yom vehikravtem minkhah khadashah lamedh yhwh

Mimoshvoteykhem taviu lekhem tnufah shtayim shney esronim solet tihyeynah khamets te afeynah bikurim lamedh yhwh

Vehikravtem al halekhem shivat kvasim tmimim bney shanah ufar benbakar ekhad ve eylim shnayim yihyu olah lamedh yhwh uminkhatam veniskeyhem isheh re akh nikhoakh lamed yhwh

Va asitem seir izim ekhad lekhatat ushney khvasim beney shanah lezevakh shlamim

Ve henif ha kohen otam al lekhem habikurim tnufah lifney yhwh al shney kevasim kodesh yihyu lamedh yhwh la kohen

Ukeratem be etsem hayom hazeh mikra kodesh yihyeh lakhem kol melekhet avodah lo ta asu khukat olam bekhol moshvoteykhem ledoroteykhem

Uvekutsrekhem et ketsir artsekhem lo tekhaleh peat sadkha bekutsrekha veleket ketsirkha lo telaket le ani velager ta azov otam ani yhwh eloheykhem

Va yedaber yhwh el mosheh lemor

Daber el beney yisrael lemor bakhodesh hashvii be ekhad lakhodesh yihyeh lakhem shabaton zikhron truah mikra kodesh

kol melekhet avodah lo ta asu vehikravtem isheh lamedh yhwh

va yedaber yhwh el mosheh lemor

Akh be asor lakhodesh hashevii hazeh yom ha kipurim hu mikra kodesh yihyeh lakhem ve initem et nafshoteykhem vehikravtem isheh lamedh yhwh

ve khol melakhah lo taasu be etsem ha yom hazeh ki yom kipurim hu lekhaper aleykhem lifney yhwh elohey khem

Ki khol ha nefesh asher lo teuneh be etsem hayom hazeh venikhretah me ameyha.

Ve khol ha nefesh asher ta aseh kol melakhah be etsem ha yom ha zeh veha avadeti et ha nefesh hahi mikerev amah

Kol melakhah lo ta asu khukat olam ledoroteykhem bekhol moshvoteykhem

shabat shabaton hu lakhem ve initem et nafshoteykhem betishah la khodesh ba erev me erev ad erev tishbetu shabatkhem

Va yedaber yhwh el mosheh lemor

Daber el beney yisrael lemor bakhamishah asar yom lakhodesh hashvii hazeh khag ha sukot shivat yamim lamedh yhwh

bayom ha rishon mikra kodesh kol melekhet avodah lo ta asu

Shiv at yamim takrivu isheh lamedh yhwh bayom ha shmini mikra kodesh yihyeh lakhem vehikravtem isheh lamedh yhwh atseret hi kol melekhet avodah lo ta asu

eleh moadey yhwh asher tikreu otam mikraey kodesh le hakriv isheh lamedh yhwh olah uminjah zevakh unesakhim dvar yom beyomo

milvad shabtot yhwh umilvad matnoteykhem umilvad kol nidreykhem umilvad kol nidvoteykhem asher titnu lamedh yhwh

Akh bakhamishah asar yom lakhodesh hashvii be ospekhem et tvuat ha arets takhogu et khag yhwh shivat yamim bayom ha rishon shabaton uvayom hashmini shabaton

Ulekakhtem lakhem bayom ha rishon peri ets hadar kapot tmarim va anaf ets avot ve arvey nakhal usmakhtem lifney yhwh eloheykhem shivat yamim

ve khagotem oto khag lamedh yhwh shivat yamim bashanah khukat olam ledoroteykhem bakhodesh hashvii takhogu oto

ba sukot teshvu shivat yamim kol ha ezrakh beyisrael yeshvu ba sukot

Lemaan yedu doroteykhem ki va sukot hoshavti et beney yisrael behotsii otam me erets mitsrayim ani yhwh eloheykhem

va yedaber mosheh et moadey yhwh el beney yisrael

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