jueves, noviembre 17, 2022

hen hebrew meaning from elohim yhwh (grace)

read with ruakh

in the hebrew language (ivriya) there are no capital letters there are no exclamatory signs there are no accents or punctuations when you want to emphasize the phrases important situations are repeated twice the phrases can also be repeated more times

isaiah yhwh is our salvation (yeshayah) chapter portion (parashah) six verse (pasuk) three
hebrew scriptures (kitvei ha kadosh ivrim)

and one cried out to the other and said sacred sacred sacred (kadosh kadosh kadosh) it is yhwh of the armies in all the earth she is full of her glory (yhwh Tzva'os mello kol ha aretz kavod)
hen hebrew meaning from elohim yhwh (grace)

hen meaning favor graciousness
etymology from the verb חנן (hanan) to be gracious

 חנן (hananananias anna annas ben-hanan elhanan elonbethhanan hanan hananel hanani hananiah hannah hannathon hanniel hanun henadad jannes jehohanan joanna johanan john jonan tahan tehinnah yahkhanan

חנן the verb חנן (hanan) means to be gracious or to favor nouns חן (henחנינה (hanina) תחנה (tehinna) and תחנון (tahanun) mean favor or grace adverb חנם (hinnam) means freely gratis and adjective חנון (hannun) means gracious
the word graciousness (hen חן)  has a different meaning in the hebrew language it means giving favour because of some initial attraction like i find you beautiful smart diligent

psalms (tehillim)chapter portion (parashah) four verse (pasuk) one
hebrew scriptures (kitvei ha kadosh ivrim)
hear me when i call elohim of my righteousness elohim of my righteousness (elohei tzidki elohei tzidki) you have relieved me when i was in distress giving me graciousness (hanneini) hear my pray (tefillah)
there are another hebrew words with the same root
hanan meaning to be gracious
in the tidings of redemption (besorat ha geulah) the gospel of luke the word gracious hanan was used to name the child of a barren couple zechariah and elizabeth 

just when they thought that elohim had cursed with infertility an angel appeared to zechariah (zekharyah yhwh remembers) when he was offering incense inside the temple (hekal) there the angel gabriel (malak gever el gavriel) told zechariah  (zekharyah yhwh remembers) that he will have a child and he is to name his son yahkhanan john meaning yhwh is gracious yhwh is gracious

therefore I give you a certain favour or gift for example you received a big big favour from your dad when you finished grade four you topped your class and so one summer morning you found a new bike beside your bed you found a new bike beside your bed 
When the same term favour is used in the writed scriptures like in the book of salms(tehillim) hen favour graciousness is given particularly to those who are in need 
elohim sees david(dowid) struggling broken about to lose his life he gives him favour graciousness (hanneini)
we can remember a similar situation when the yhwh elohim showed us his grace (hanneini)in the precise time when we need it in the other hand we must think about when it not happenss
Indeed, how gracious yhwh elohim is he can answers all our needs when we live full of ruakh guiding in faith and repentence for eternal life(emunah ve teshuvah khayei olam)

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