‡‡‡‡‡‡ LA PARABOLA ES MISTERIO PARA EL MUNDO [MASHAL SOD OLAM HAZE] ‡‡‡‡‡‡NO ES MISTERIO PARA ESCOGIDOS Y ARREPENTIDOS ALELUYAH [ LO SOD KOL BACHAR ET HATESHUVAH HALELLUYAH ] ‡‡‡‡‡‡al compartir la lectura karait en este blog adquieres conocimiento para preguntar yhwh la verdad en estos escritos hebreos ‡‡‡‡‡‡el rebe esta ordenado en no hacer ninguna clase de proselitismo el rebe como un justo hebreo solo espera contribuir para sus conocimientos y ayudarte en la fe que profesas
sábado, enero 07, 2023
corazon y mente uno solo es levav ekhad bet
viernes, enero 06, 2023
our brother akhanu adrian
kitvei ivrim hebrew scriptures
ki yeled yalad lanu
ben natan ivrim lanu vehayahi
hamisrah al shekemo
veyiqara shemo pele
yaats elohim gibbor
yaats elohim gibbor
avi ad sar shalom
because a child is born to us
son is given to us for the hebrews
and the lordship will be on his shoulders
and his name will be called admirable counselor
mighty elohim mighty elohim
possessor of eternity
prince of peace
this is an opportunity to testify for adrian , who was very generous and respectful towards this rebbe...we have prayed for him at all times that was necessary my rebekina miryam and this humble servant
we thank first elder yhwh congregation alef elder kehilla yhwh rodimiro for giving us the opportunity to convey this greeting my personal blessing in yhwh for all present and remember adrian sleeps in the peace of our blessed elohim yhwh until the day of his resurrection keep your prayers for his soul and let us ask for mercy for ourselves and for adrian omein so be it
ecclesiastes kohelet sayings of wisdom parashah tet portion chapter nine pasukim alef et bet yod verses one to twelve hebrew scriptures kitvei ivrim
alef one all this I took in my heart and mind only one is levav ehad explaining everything that the righteous and the wise tzadikim hakhamim and their works are in the hand of our elohim yhwh yad eloheinu yhwh the human being adam does not have great knowledge daas elyon if he will be loved if he will be hated everything lies before elohim haya ahavah haya sinah hakol haya av elohim
bet two
all things are equal for all there is a fortune mikreh for the righteous tzadik and for the wicked rasha and for the one who likes to do good things la tov for the one who purifies himself botahor and for the impure latameh there is fortune ki mikreh for the one who sacrifices ha zaobaeh and for the one who does not sacrifice lo zaobaeh as for the one who contributes to the well-being ka tobe so it is for the one who loses the way ka hote and swears correctly hani shaba like the one who curses shevuah
gimel three
there is adversity ra among all things that are done under the sun ha shemesh that there is a fortune mikreh for all also the heart and mind is just only one levav ehad of the children of the human being bnei ha adam is full of evil rah and madness sees holeloet is in his heart and mind only one is while they live and after that they go with the dead mesim
dalet four
because for the one who is among the living ha hayim there is trust bittahoen for a living dog kelev chai because this living dog kelev chai is better than a dead lion ha aryeh mavet
hey five
because those who live are aware that they will die but the dead mesim have no have knowledge of anything they sleep they no longer take anything into account hem sachar because their memory does not remember ki nishakah zeikeram
waw six
also their love and their hate and their painful regret have ended ahavah sinah kinot abadah nor have more part in this world helek lo olam and in whatever is done under the sun ha shemesh
zayin seven
go your way eat your bread melech with joy emma simchah and drink your wine yayinka with one heart and mind one only is pleased emma levav ehad ratsah for elohim yhwh now accept your right deeds tov maasim
chet eight
always be white your clothes begedeka labanim and do not lack oil on your head lo shemen
tet nine
live happily with the woman haya samah ishsha who you love all the days of your trivial life kol yamin chayyei hevel that yhwh has given you under the sun yhwh nathan leka tachat ha shemesh all your days are short yamin hove hevel because that is your portion ki ateh jelek for this life and for your work ateh amal with which you toil under the sun tachat ha shemesh
yod ten
Everything that comes to your hand to make kol masa yad do it with your human strength avodah koah because there is no work lo ma aseh nor is counted lo cheshbon nor knowledge lo daas nor wisdom lo hokhmah in the tomb sheol where you are going
alef yod eleven
I came back and saw under the sun shemesh that the race is not for the swift hamerots loqalim and this battle is not for the strong hamilhamah logibborim nor bread for the wise lo lechem khakhamim nor wealth for the intelligent osher lonebonim nor even favor the experts chen lo sakal but time and the occurrence et ve pega them find the same end for all
bet yod twelve
for the son of man has no knowledge of his hour ha adam lo daas ha etka but like the dagim fish that are caught in a nasty metzodah raa net and like the birds that are caught in the fine wire trap pathiyl ha pach so it is for the children of the human being benei ha adam trapped in an uncomfortable time et raah that suddenly falls upon them nefal alehem piton
juan yahanan yhwh is merciful parashah gimel yod portion chapter thirteen pasuk alef verse one hebrew scriptures kitvei ivrim
now before the feast pesakh moed pesakh our master king messiah morenu melekh ha moshiakh knowing that his hour had already come daas et shaah when he should pass from this world with the father elohim yhwh olam hazeh ha av yhwh having had ahavah love for his own in the world olam ha zeh had love for them to the end ahavah ha ketz
juan yahanan yhwh is merciful parashah zain portion chapter seven pasuk lamed verse thirty hebrew scriptures kitvei ivrim
They wanted to arrest him and no one could get their hands on him because his miserable hour had not yet arrived et shaah
isaias yhwh salva yeshayah parashah gimel nun portion chapter fifty-three pasuk alef yod et bet yod verse eleven to twelve hebrew scriptures kitvei ivrim
yhwh will look at the fruit of his own labor through the living messiah yahshua and will be satisfied with the knowledge that the righteous servant the savior messiah his name yahshua will justify many because the yahshua the messiah will bear their iniquities heavily yhwh yiraaeh meamal nefesh maoshiakh yahshua yisaba bedaatou yatzadek ha a vdi maoshiackh yahoshua yahshua shemo larabim ve avonotam hu yisabaol yahshua ha maoshiakh
romans hebrew congregation in rome kehillah rome parashah heh portion chapter five pasuk alef verse one hebrew scriptures kitvei ivrim
therefore, having been acquitted and found not guilty yitzdak im yhwh on the yesod basis of our faith for eternal life emunah hayei olam we have peace shalom in relation to yhwh through our teacher king messiah savior our lord yahshua morenu melekh ha moshiakh yehoshua adoneinu yahshua
martes, enero 03, 2023
nuestro hermano akhanu adrian
esta es una oportunidad de testificar por adrian muy generoso y respetuoso de este rebe....hemos orado por el en todos los momentos que fue necesario mi rebekina miryam y este humilde servidor
agradecemos al primer anciano de la congregacion de yhwh alef elder kehilla im yhwh rodimiro por brindarnos la oportunidad de transmitir este saludo mi bendicion personal en yhwh para todos los presentes y recuerden adrian duerme en la paz de nuestro bendito elohim yhwh hasta el dia de su resurreccion mantengan sus oraciones por su alma y pidamos misericordia por nosotros y por adrian omein asi sea
this is an opportunity to testify for adrian, who was very generous and respectful toward this rebbe...we have prayed for him at all times that was necessary my rebekina miryam and this humble servant
we thank first elder yhwh congregation alef elder kehilla yhwh rodimiro for giving us the opportunity to convey this greeting my personal blessing in yhwh for all present and remember adrian sleeps in the peace of our blessed elohim yhwh until the day of his resurrection keep your prayers for his soul and let us ask for mercy for ourselves and for adrian omein so be it
eclesiastes kohelet dichos de sabiduria parashah tet porcion capitulo nueve pasukim alef et bet yod versos uno al doce escrituras hebreas kitvei ivrim
alef uno todo esto lo tome en mi corazon y mente solo uno es levav ehad explicando todo que los justos y los sabios tzadikim hakhamim y sus obras estan en la mano de nuestro elohim yhwh yad eloheinu yhwh el ser humano adam no tiene gran conocimiento daas elyon de si sera amado si sera odiado todo yace ante elohim haya ahavah haya sinah hakol haya av elohim
bet dos todas las cosas son iguales para todos hay una fortuna mikreh para el justo tzadik y para el malvado rasha y para el que se agrada de hacer las cosas buenas la tov para el que se purifica botahor y para el impuro latameh hay fortuna ki mikreh para el que sacrifica ha zaobaeh y al que no sacrifica lo zaobaeh como para el que contribuye al bienestar ka tobe asi es para el que pierde el camino ka hote y jura correctamente hani shaba como el que maldice shevuah
hay adversidad ra entre todas las cosas que se hacen bajo el sol ha shemesh que hay una fortuna mikreh para todos si tambien el corazón y la mente uno solo es levav ehad de los hijos del ser humano bnei ha adam esta lleno de mal rah y la locura ve holeloet esta en su corazon y mente solo uno es mientras viven y despues de eso se van con los muertos mesim
dalet cuatro
heh cinco
tambien su amor y su odio y su doloroso lamento han terminado ahavah sinah kinot abadah ni tienen mas parte en este mundo helek le olam y en cualquier cosa que se hace bajo el sol ha shemesh
zain siete
sean siempre blancas vuestras vestiduras begedeka labanim y no falte aceite en vuestra cabeza lo shemen
tet nueve
yod diez
alef yod once
bet yod doce
juan yahanan yhwh es misericordioso parashah gimel yod porcion capitulo trece pasuk alef verso uno escrituras hebreas kitvei ivrim
ahora antes de la fiesta pesakh moed pesakh nuestro maestro rey mesias morenu melekh ha moshiakh conociendo que su hora ya habia llegado daas et shaah cuando deberia pasar de este mundo con el padre elohim yhwh olam hazeh ha av yhwh habiendo tenido amor ahavah para los suyos en el mundo olam ha zeh tuvo amor para ellos hasta el final ahavah ha ketz
juan yahanan yhwh es misericordioso parashah zain porcion capitulo siete pasuk lamed verso treinte escrituras hebreas kitvei ivrim
lo buscaban arrestarlo y nadie pudo echarle la mano encima porque aun no habia llegado su hora miserable et shaah
isaias yhwh salva yeshayah parashah gimel nun porcion capitulo cincuenta y tres pasuk alef yod et bet yod verso once al doce escrituras hebreas kitvei ivrim
el yhwh mirara el fruto de su propio trabajo traves del mesias yahshua vivo y quedara satisfecho con el conocimiento de que el siervo justo el mesías salvador su nombre yahshua justificara muchos porque el yahshua el mesías cargara pesadamente sus iniquidades yhwh yiraaeh meamal nefesh maoshiakh yahshua yisaba bedaatou yatzadek ha avdi maoshiackh yahoshua yahshua shemo larabim ve avonotam hu yisabaol yahshua ha maoshiakh
romanos congregacion hebrea en roma kehillah rome parashah heh porcion capitulo cinco pasuk alef verso uno escrituras hebreas kitvei ivrim
por lo tanto, habiendo sido absueltos y declarados no culpables yitzdak im yhwh sobre la base yesod de nuestra fe para vida eterna emunah hayei olam tenemos paz shalom en relación con yhwh traves de nuestro maestro rey mesias salvador nuestro señor yahshua morenu melekh ha moshiakh yehoshua adoneinu yahshua
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