sábado, abril 09, 2022

shiru lamelekh yhwh

como hebreos escogidos debemos proclamar el nombre de yhwh 

[ivrim kareot shiru yhwh shem]

[shiru la melekh] [yhwh]

vamos a cantar al rey[yhwh]

[ve ata banim shiru shiru]

y ahora los jovenes cantan cantan

[ve ata banim shiru la melekh][yhwh]

y ahora los jovenes cantaran al rey [yhwh]

[ve ata banim shiru shiru shiru la melekh]

y ahora los jóvenes cantaran cantaran al rey

[be tiferet mefoar]

con magnifica gloria

[ve ashrei avadav oy avadav]

y bienaventurados aquellos siervos de el que lo alaban en voz alta [yhwh]

[hamashmi im bekol shivcha]

y cualquiera que proclame con voz de alabanza

[ve ata banim shiru shiru shiru la melekh] [yhwh]

y ahora los jovenes cantaran cantaran al rey

[shiru shiru la melekh

cantemos cantemos al rey [yhwh]

as chosen hebrews we must proclaim the name of yhwh

[shiru lamelekh]

let sing to the king [yhwh]

[ve ata banim shiru shiru]

and now the young  sing sing

[ve ata banim shiru la melekh][yhwh]

and now the young will sing the king [yhwh]

[ve ata banim shiru shiru shiru la melekh]

and now the young will sing  sing to the king

[be tiferet mefoar]

with magnificent glory

[ve ashrei avadav oy avadav]

and blissful are those servants of him who praise him aloud [yhwh]

[hamashmi im bekol shivcha]

and anyone who proclaims with  a voice of praise

[ve ata banim shiru shiru shiru la melekh] [yhwh]

and now the joung people will sing sing to the king

[shiru shiru la melekh]

let sing let sing to the king [yhwh]

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