sábado, noviembre 26, 2022

thanksgiving is not a feast of yhwh our elohim

read with ruakh
in the Hebrew language (ivriya) there are no capital letters there are no exclamatory signs there are no accents or punctuations when you want to emphasize the phrases important situations are repeated twice the phrases can also be repeated more times

isaiah yhwh is our salvation (yeshayah) chapter portion (parashah) six verse (pasuk) three
hebrew scriptures (kitvei ha kadosh ivrim)

and one cried out to the other and said sacred sacred sacred (kadosh kadosh kadosh) it is yhwh of the armies in all the earth she is full of her glory (yhwh Tzva'os mello kol ha aretz kavod)

thanksgiving is not a feast of yhwh our elohim
the congregations of elohim yhwh throughout the world (kehillim elohim yhwh) obey his commands and keep his seventh weekly sabbaths and seven annual holy convocations (shiva yamim shabbat shiva moedim)

yhwh's oral tradition established these seven festivals in an annual cycle (sheva moedim al yhwh) according to leviticus (vayikra) twenty-three of the book of moses (vayikra kitvei moses) seven moedim times appointed by yhwh are confirmed and perpetuated until the end of probation (aharit ha yamim)

passover time (pesach) leviticus chapter portion (parashah) twenty-three verses (pasukim) four and five

time of unleavened bread (ha matza ot) levitic chapter portion (parashah) twenty three verses (pasukim) six to eight
time of firstfruits (reshis) leviticus chapter portion (parashah) twenty-three verses (pasukim) nine to eleven

waiting time of forty-nine days (shavuot shevah shabbatot) leviticus chapter portion(parashah) twenty-three verses(pasukim)fifteen to eighteen

time of the trumpets of the shouts the sound of the horns (yom teruah shofar) leviticus chapter portion(parashah) twenty three verses(pasukim) twenty three to twenty five

time of atonement (yom kippur) which means the day to cover cancel forgive ask forgiveness of yhwh reconcile leviticus chapter portion(parashah) twenty three verses(pasukim) twenty six to twenty eight

time of the cabins huts tents (sukkot) leviticus chapter portion(parashah) twenty-three verses(pasukim) thirty-three to thirty-five and thirty-nine to forty-four

the plural form of appointed time (moad) is appointed times (moedim) in the oral tradition (torah) it is part of the covenant of yhwh our elohim (brit eloheinu yhwh) these particular words for festivals refer to the weekly rest (shabbat) seventh day (yom shiva) of any calendar measurement of the days of the lunar solar year and all the sacred Levitical times indicated

moed has a root that means to repeat yaad in the creative context of yhwh elohim it is we human beings (adam) who have distanced ourselves from our creator father elohim yhwh and the root of summoning (moed) is yaad committed by the hand of yhwh (yad yhwh)
The word moed is born from the primitive root yaad this single word helps to develop the potential of what the word moed means for our blessed elohim

strongs h3259 יָעַד yaad pronounced yawad
Truly I tell you that all this is understood full of power and strength in us of yhwh (ruakh)

yaad is a primitive root is to fix prior agreement a date by implication is to meet at a certain time is to convene for judgment is to lead in a certain place with position is to commit to marriage
it is a verb to agree to do it is to designate for a certain time it is to go to meet it is to marry to meet with it is to meet permanently it is to establish a specific time

and if we clarify the mystery (sod) this primitive root of the word moed that is yaad implies by itself the importance of the festivals of our blessed elohim yhwh in our lives
for example yaad suggests that the festivals of yhwh elohim (moedim yhwh) are linked with the betrothal and marriage of a man and a woman (ish ve isha)
It also relates to a summons for trial and with it a designated time and place to meet.

In the light of oral tradition and its law, its commandments (torah mitzvot), it makes clear to us the degree of emphasis on the importance of meeting times with our blessed Lord, since when I determine these times in our fallen state, it makes us see how much love there is. in him for us and our need to meet him the only existing elohim yhwh

Yhwh, both for the chosen ones and for the repentant, wants us to feel and think that it is always to be united with him and nothing less than through a commitment in an annual proclamation making us see that our presence before him is so urgent and it is like a direct judicial summons with him. judge of the whole universe his creation

and we should not doubt anything any convocation that the world makes is not intended to bring us closer to him these calls should be compared to the seal of elohim yhwh in which his people are being called to come with him in a bond of covenant and be prepared to join in marriage for time and eternity
none of those who reach the presence and life with yhwh our blessed elohim will be alone in his appointed times
when the appointed times arrive his entire army will have passed through the enlistment march and will be in a position like hezekiah to win the war with the philistines the hosts of yhwh (yhwh tzevaot) will be gathered forever and ever
no one will be left behind we will all discover for joy for damnation who we are and how we will live eternity eternal life eternal death

for this and more it means a sign as I designate it from before the foundation of the universe and its fall that there are things that will be repeated every time the pre-established designated time arrives
the tradition written in our heart and mind is only one (lev ekhad) and the testimony offered by the book that is attributed to moses that testifies

leviticus (vayikra) twenty three verses one to three

and I speak yhwh for moses saying (dabar yhwh el mosheh le amor)

tell them my children of yisroel and tell them about yhwh's appointed holy times that will be proclaimed as my holy convocations even these are my only festivals (daber el benei yisroel ve amarta ale hem moadim yhwh asher tikarau eth mikraei kodesh elleh moedim)

six days you will work but the seventh day is a solemn sabbath of rest a sacred convocation any kind of work you will not do because the sabbath day of rest is from yhwh in all your dwellings (sheshe yamin teasah melaka uvai yom hash shevii shabbat shabathon mikra kodesh kol malaka lo taasah shabbat hu yhwh bekol moshab)

we must set aside these days as a special time to worship our elohim yhwh and the commandment is for everyone around the universe

and you have to remember that the world is free to do what they want to worship

and of course the Hebrews only follow the instructions that our elohim yhwh has put in our hearts and minds, one is that we do not observe the annual holidays that the world celebrates like christmas, easter rabbit and other religious festivities because it does not correspond according to yhwh confirms it through his power force breath in us (ruakh)

we consider that we respect secular holidays such as thanksgiving day, independence day, new year and other taxes by kings and rulers in a different way but within the established legal framework
and so on for the sole reason that these holidays are not times called by yhwh

we warn by known experience that each of the religious celebrations in the world has a meaning that is not in accordance with yhwh elohim our lord and even the secular festivals designated by the rulers when we respect them we must watch each one in prayer if they take us away from our blessed elohim yhwh

to respect them we must keep present in our hearts and minds the commandments of yhwh and his teaching in the oral tradition (torah)

In current times, for different reasons, mainly consumption and commerce, all these holidays are celebrated almost without any knowledge of why they are, however, we must be sure that everything in this world is a portion of the test yhwh our elohim allows what happens he lets us do and he does what he wants with our life

many pastors teachers scholars rabbih priests use paganism as a cornerstone argument to despise christmas hanuka easter halloween day of the dead and many other things
from paganism if we are going to use it to define our beliefs traditionally the meaning of the word pagan was foreign civilian rustic villager but here is the definition of the word in the modern dictionary
pagan noun
one of a people or community that observes a polytheistic religion, such as the ancient Roman and Greek synonyms polytheistic
a person who is not a christian jewish muslim synonyms pagan gentile idolater unbeliever
an irreligious person a hedonistic person an epicurean person
a person considered savage or uncivilized and morally deficient

but the Hebrew people have a clear understanding at this time that the word pagan and biblical teachings are skillfully used by the adversary accuser and his hosts (ha shatan) as a mere way to confuse the children of elohim yhwh with the aim of that exceed what our power and strength breathed by yhwh tells us

this rebbe invites to remember that we must worship and love our lord with royal ruakh I say with the strength and strength that he yhwh put in us when we were created full of faith and repentance for eternal life (emuna ve teshuvah olam hayei)

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