the (ruakh) unimaginable power of yhwh for any thinking and sensitive being confirms to you what is written in your (lev) heart and mind (ekhad) only one is yhwh is our elohim and yhwh I believe and all his substance was present there
the known scriptures are not inspired by yhwh our elohim these scriptures are religious guides that is why according to the doctrine and dogma of each religion they contradict each other
the version you read (ivri torah moshe) of the hebrew book of moses must be confirmed in (tefilah) prayer directly by the ruakh of yhwh without this it is a scripture not inspired by yhwh
(bereshis) genesis (parashah) portion chapter one (pasukim) one and two (ivri torah mosheh) hebrew book of moses
in the beginning our elohim created from absolute nothingness ex nihilo (reshis eloheinu bara ha shomayim va aeretz ) the heavens and the earth
the earth (raqia) was an empty element and still without form (aaretz tohu va wohu) and darkness (ha koshekh) was over the face of the abyss the solid vault (raqia) and the (ruach elohim) hovered over the face of the celestial waters contained in the vault
(only yahweh is self-existent nothing else is
This affirmation is my personal testimony and it is in me because of the ruakh and I am aware that it goes against all other visions of the universe that insist that it is matter that exists by itself and those who affirm this simply do so because the human being in his fallen state hates yhwh and seeks to contradict him in everything
it is the ruakh of yhwh who confirms all the truth when we are chosen to live a life in repentance keeping the commandments of yhwh our only elohim for eternal life (khayei olam)
the cosmos (raqia) as we know it arose from yhwh the I am he created this cosmos firmament (raqia) as it exists in its normal movement in a fallen state (rachia) out of nothing ex nihilo)
(shemot) exodus (parashah) portion chapter three pasuk verse fifteen (ivri torah mosheh) hebrew book of moses
and (go elohim yhwh love אמר moshe)elohim yhwh clearly said for moses
you will say for the children of (yisrael) israel
my elohim yhwh the mighty father of abraham isaac jacob (amar benei Yisroel yhwh elohei aboteikhem shadai avraham yitzchak yaakov) has sent me to you and elohim says that
yhwh is my name forever (go yhwh shemi le olam) and so I will be named throughout all generations to come
in ancient hebrew the word ruakh can mean breath moving force it should not be confused that ruakh elohim is something different from ruakh yhwh because yhwh is elohim yahshua is yhwh and it is (ekhad) a single unit the ruakh is the breath of the almighty (shadai) is the only creative agent the ruakh is power and energy of yhwh is that energy of elohim yhwh exhaling the creation
creating the universe by his word and that same exhalation he put in us and is in us and therefore when we procreate we are in the middle of the chain of creation
so when we read i saias i speak we collect from the (parashah) portion chapter forty (pasuk) twenty-six of the (tanak) canonical jewish scriptures (yahudim)
the question who created them who created them we can get an answer derived from (be reshit) genesis (parashah) portion chapter one (pasuk) verse two regardless of (pasuk) verse one
(be reshis) in principle genesis (parashah) portion chapter one (pasuk) verse two (ivri torah mosheh) hebrew book of moses
and the earth was (ve aeretz tohu va vohu) was only formless and empty matter and (va khoshek חשך) darkness was on the face of the abyss and the ruach elohim moved on the face of the heavenly waters
the ruakh is the irresistible power by which yhwh elohim fulfills his purposes and we will know the only truth without the presence of the ruakh there is no repentance for eternal life (khayei olam)
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