domingo, marzo 14, 2021

horsemen of the apocalypse

rebe's comment

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse is the direct manifestation of yhwh for chosen and repentant for eternal life of matters concerning their salvation and that chosen and repentant cannot know for themselves if they do not have the interaction of ruakh (ha kodesh) blessed of yhwh and the one that was breathed into our physical bodies when (ha adam) the human being was created

together ruakh and flesh make us living soul and what differentiates (adam) the human being from all living beings created by our beloved elohim creator who first created the earth (bara) and from it elohim said produce the earth living beings according to their species beasts and snakes and animals of the earth according to their species and it was like that

(sod) its meaning is specified to arrive to know through inspiration and revelation the secrets that yhwh keeps from those who are not chosen or repented for eternal life these chosen and repentant are blessed with the union between the ruakh of yhwh and the portion ruakh staff who was blown in our noses to be a living soul

beloved and beloved sad it is for us Israel that this will happen in a direct way for the chosen and repentant who are betraying the (torah) the word the law the (brit) covenant

Let's not ask when it will happen it may already be happening more yhwh yhsh ekhad only one is said nobody can venture neither the day nor the hour just watch

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse parashah chapter one pasuk verse one

(hisgalus) revelation apparition exposition of what (nistar) is hidden (sod) secret (root) mystery of (moreh melekh moshiakh yahoshua) master king messiah yahshua who is yhwh who stood on earth to show his (mesharetim ) servants (klei kodesh) blessed ministers (mah di leheve) that the things that are destined to happen will happen and that soon (moreh melekh moshiakh) master king messiah gave him knowledge by sending his (malakh) angel for his (mesharet) servant (keli kodesh) blessed minister (yahkhanan) john

daniel (parashah) chapter two (pasukim) twenty-eight and twenty-nine

but there is an (elohim) in (shomayim) the heavens that reveals (razim) secrets and makes known to the king (Nevukhadnetzar) Nabu protects my eldest son (pagan god is the Babylonian lord of wisdom and writing) Nebuchadnezzar what There will be in the (akharit ha yamim) end of days your dreams (khalom) and the visions of your head on your bed are these as for you king your thoughts came to your mind on your bed what will happen next and the one that reveals ( razim) secrets gives you to know what will happen through me

masters parashah chapter three pasuk seven

truly nothing does elohim yhwh omnipotent without first revealing his (sod) secret to his (avadim ha neviim) servants the prophets

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse one

and I saw when (seh moshiakh) messiah lamb opened one of the (sheva khotamot) seven seals and heard one of the (arbah khayyot) four living beings say as with a voice of thunder come and see come and see

yeshayah isaias parashah (chapter) fifty-three (pasuk) seven

He was oppressed and afflicted but he did not open his mouth like (Keves) a lamb was taken to the slaughterhouse and like (ewe) sheep in front of his shearers, he was silent so he did not open his mouth

(shemot) exodus (parashah) chapter twelve (pasuk) three

speaks to (kol adat yisroel) all the congregation of israel saying on the (see sor la kho desh hazzeh) day ten of this month they will each take a (seh) lamb, according to the (beit avot) house of the fathers a (seh ) lamb for each (beit)) house

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse two

and look and (hinei) here is a (their lava) white horse and the one sitting on it had a bow (keshet) and was given a crown (atarah) and came out as a winner determined to win

(yekhezel) ezekiel (parashah) chapter thirty-nine (pasuk) verse three

and knock down your (keshet) bow from your left hand and make your (khitzim) arrows fall from your right hand

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasukim) verse three and four

and when he opened the (khotam hasheyni) second seal I listened (ha sheniyah ha khayyot) to the second of the living beings that said come and look, come and look

and another (his) horse came out a fiery red one and the one sitting on it was given to take (shalom) the peace of (ha aeretz) the earth with men killing each other and was given a (kherev gedolah ) great sword

(zekharyah) zachariah (parashah) chapter one (pasuk) verse eight

I had a vision for (ha lailah) midnight and (hinei) here is a man riding on a (sus adom) a red brown horse and he stood among the myrtles that were in the hole and behind him there were (susim) red horses brown and chestnut and white

(zekharyah) zacharias (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse two

in (merkavah ha rishonah) the first chariot had reddish brown horses (susim) and in (merkavah hashenit) the second chariot (susim shekhorim) black horses

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse five

and when he opened (khotam hashlishi) the third seal oi (hashlishit ha khayyot) to the third of the living beings that said come and look come and look and I saw (hinei) here is a (sus shakhor) black horse and one sitting on it a pair of scales in his (yad) hand

(zekharyah) zacharias (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse two

in (merkavah ha rishonah) the first chariot had (susim) reddish-brown horses and in (merkavah hashenit) the second chariot (susim shekhorim) black horses

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse six

and I heard as a voice (kol) in the midst of the (arbah khayyot) four living beings that said (kesef ekhad) a unit of weight (khitah) of wheat for a (kesef shekel) a weight of silver (shloshah arbah) three quarters of barley for a (kesef shekel) weight of silver but (ha shemen) the oil and the (yayin) wine you cannot harm

(yekhezkel) ezekiel (parashah) chapter four (pasuk) sixteen

also told me (ben adam) son of man (hinei) here I will break (mateh lekhem) the bread stick the food supply in (yarushalayim) jerusalem and they will eat (lekhem) heavy food in rations and with concern and drink (yayim ) came by measure and with astonishing horror

(hisgalus) revelation apocalypse (parashah) chapter six (pasukim) verse seven and eight

and when he opened the (khotam ha reveit) the fourth seal heard (kol) the voice (ha reveit ha khayyot) from the room of living beings that said come and see come and see

and I saw (hinei) here is a (sus yerakrak) a pale greenish horse and the one that was sitting on it and the rider's name was (mavet) death and (sheol) the pit the grave pit for the dead followed him and they were gave (samjut) authority over a quarter of (ha aeretz) the earth to kill with (kherev) sword and with (raav) hunger and with (mavet) death and by the (khayyot) wild beasts of (ha aeretz) the earth

(zekharyah) zachariah (parashah) chapter six (pasuk) verse three

and in the (merkavah ha shlishit) the third chariot (susim levanim) white horses and in the (merkavah ha reviit) fourth chariot (susim) mighty spotted horses

(hoshea) oseas (parashah) chapter thirteen (pasuk) fourteen

should rescue them from the power (sheol) of the pit the grave the grave for the dead should rescue them from the power (sheol) of the pit the grave the grave for the dead should redeem them from (mavet) death should redeem them from (mavet) death

(mavet) death where they are (dever) the pestilence (maggefah) the plague of you (mavet) death where they are (dever) the pestilence (maggefah) the plague of you (sheol) pit grave pit for the dead the confines of the well where is your destruction (sheol) pit grave pit for the dead the confines of the well where is your destruction (nokham) pain (riham) compassion (kavanah) mercy will hide from my eyes

(yirmeyah) jeremias (parashah) chapter fifteen (pasukim) two and three

And it will happen that if they tell you where we will go where we will go and it will happen that if they tell you where we will go where we will go

then you will answer like this it says yhwh

those who are for (mavet) death will have (mavet) death and those who are for (kherev) sword will have (kherev) sword and those who are for (raav) hunger will suffer (raav) hunger and those who are for (shevi) captivity for the (shevi) captivity iran

(ufakadti aleihem arbah mishpakhot pneum yhwh et kherev la ha rog ve et hak kelavim lis kho ve et owp ha shomayim ve et behemat aeretz le ekhol ule hashkhit)

and I will put on them four forms of destruction says yhwh the sword to kill and the dogs to track and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy

(yirmeyah) jeremias (parashah) chapter twenty-four (pasuk) verse ten

I will send the (kherev) sword the (raav) famine and the (dever) pestilence among them until they are consumed from (ha aeretz) the land that I gave to them and for their (avot) parents

(yekhezkel) ezekiel (parashah) chapter five (pasukim) verses twelve to seventeen

a third of you will die of (dever) pestilence and of (raav) hunger will be consumed in your midst and a third will fall to (kherev) sword around you and scatter a third in (kol ruakh) all wind and draw a sword (kherev) behind them

This is how my anger will be fulfilled (khemati) and I will make (khemati) my anger satisfied against them and I will be avenged and they will know that I yhwh I have spoken in my (kinah) complaint when I have fulfilled (khemati) my fury against them

I will also turn you into a ruin and a (kherpah) disgrace among (goyim) the nations that are around you before the eyes of all who pass

so it will be a (kherpah) reproach and a (gedufah) mockery, a (musar) lesson and a (meshammah) object of awe of horror to (goyim) the nations that are around you when I execute (shefatim) judgments on you in (beaf) anger and in (khemah) fury and (tokhkhot khemah) furious rebukes I yhwh have spoken.

when I send upon them (khitzim) arrows of (raav ha raim) deadly hunger that will carry the (mashkhit) destruction that I will send to destroy you and increase the (raav) hunger upon you and they will break your (mateh lekhem) supply of bread (mateh oklah) and food supply

so I will send upon you (raav) famine and (khayyah raah) wild beasts and they will leave you afflicted without children (ve dever) and plague (va dahm) and bloodshed will pass through you; and I will bring the sword (kherev) upon you and yhwh I have spoken

rebe's comment

we may be (raash) trembling and (yirah) fear when we read about the (nevuah) profession and compare it with the moments that the nations of the world are living (ha tevel goyim)

However, I assure you that there are very few who fear the judgments of yhwh until it is late when everything is coming over when in the blink of an eye we are already sleeping in the bosom of yhwh and an abyss separates us from those who already share his glory in his heaven such as (enokh) enoc abraham lazaro and others who have testified to us

(kohelet) preacher ecclesiastes parashah chapter twelve (pasuk) verse seven

Then the (aphar) dust will return to (ha aeretz) as it was; and the (ruakh) breath of life will return to (ha lohim) elohim who gave it

rebe's comment

(teshuvah) repentance for eternal life will provide us with the living hope that we will be able to awaken to eternal life and that if the sigh of life is far from our soul, our existence will continue to wait for that resurrection for eternal life and not for eternal death.

(tehillim) psalms (parashah) chapter seventeen (pasuk) fifteen

As for me in (zakah tzedek) pure justice I will contemplate your face I will be satisfied when I wake up with your (temunah) likeness

rebe's comment

he who has understanding with his ruakh in teshuvah repentance understands

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